Corpus Christi Primary School

Our Faith Life Gallery
Take a look at the wonderful whole school events we lead within school to promote our faith life and serve one another:

Harvest 2024

Our Mini Vinnies led a lovely Harvest assembly. All food donated was given to our SVP group in the parish, who support local families.

Our Mini Vinnies led the whole school, families and parish for their Harvest celebration this year. Children across the school donated items which were given to the SVP group at our parish Church, who support local families in the parish and community.

Our New School Year Mass and Commissioning of Pupil Chaplains 2024

Today we gathered as a school and parish community for our first mass of the new academic year. During this mass, we also commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains.

 We joined together as a school and parish community to start our new school year. During this mass we commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains. The theme of our Mass this year was 'Our Mission to share our light with others.' Our Pupil Chaplains gave each class a lantern to use in their Celebration of the Word this year as a remind our our mission to share our light like Jesus. 
"Let your light shine before others that they may see your good works and glorify you Father in Heaven." Matthew 5:16

The BIG Corpus Clean Up 2024

Another successful year for our annual BIG Corpus clean up in the local community. Our families came out to support us and spent time in the local area keeping it tidy and sharing the message of looking after our common home.

Our Laudato Si team planned another successful clean up in the local area. This  is our third Corpus Clean Up, and every year it gets bigger and better! Thank you to all the families that came to attend and support.

Ascension Mass 2024

We gathered together as a school and parish community to celebrate the feast of the ascension

Our Year 5 children led a beautiful mass for the whole school and parish. We celebrated the feast of the Ascension. 

Crowning of Mary 2024

As a whole school we gathered together to crown Our Lady in a beautiful and reverent service. Children presented Mary with flowers and blossoms and offered their prayer to her.

Our Pupil Chaplains led a wonderful service for the whole school, our families and our parish. As a whole school we gathered together to crown Mary and present her with blossoms and flowers. 

Lenten Service 2024

Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful Lenten service for the school, parish and our families. They talked about the events of Holy Week and the sacrifice Jesus made for us. The school choir gave a beautiful performance.

Our Pupil Chaplains led a lovely Holy Week service.Our choir had a special performance during our service.

Rainbow Friday 2024

Another successful year for our Rainbow Friday event. We raised a lot of money to support Caritas with their St Joseph Penny Appeal

 To support our Lenten charity, we held our annual Rainbow Friday. All the children came to school dressed in rainbow colours. We held a cake sale in each phase too! This Lent, we raised £???? for Caritas Appeal, St Joseph's Penny, this included the money raised in our boxes at home.

Ash Wednesday Mass 2024

Today we gathered with our school and parish family for Ash Wednesday Mass- the start of Lent. Our Pupil Chaplains led a reverent Mass for us all.

We gathered together as a whole school for Ash Wednesday Mass. Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful mass all about showing kindness this Lent. 

Advent Mass 2023

Today our Year 5 pupil led a reverent Advent mass for the school and parish community. Our choir did a special performance for us too.

 Our Year 5 pupils in Eagle and Hawk Class led a lovely Advent Mass all about 'The Holy Family'. We gathered together with our parish family and celebrated mass with them. 

Christmas Jumper Day 2023

Our Mini Vinnies want to say a HUGE thank you for the support shown today. Our annual Christmas Jumper Day raised £217.67 for @MarysMeals . Your donations will be doubled and will make a huge difference to others. ✝️🎄

Our Mini Vinnies want to say a HUGE thank you for the support shown today. Our annual Christmas Jumper Day raised £217.67 for @MarysMeals. Your donations will be doubled and will make a huge difference to others. 

Advent Retreat 2023

This week, our whole school took part in Advent retreats with Mrs Farmer. She helped us to understand the true meaning of Christmas and the journey we are on during Advent.

 Each class took part in an Advent retreat with a special friend to our school, Mary Farmer. The children took part in a range of religious retreats. 

Mini Vinnies meet Mary's Meal

Today we met with Fran from Mary's Meals to learn more about the wonderful that the charity does.

 Our Mini Vinnies met Fran from the charity- Mary's Meals. They spent time with her, learning more about the wonderful work that the charity does. This year, the children will be organising Christmas jumper day and donating funds raised to Mary's Meals.

Harvest 2023

Our Mini Vinnies led a lovely Harvest assembly. All food donated was given to our SVP group in the parish, who support local families.

Our Mini Vinnies led the whole school, families and parish for their Harvest celebration this year. Children across the school donated items which were given to the SVP group at our parish Church, who support local families in the parish and community.

Our New School Year Mass and Commissioning of Pupil Chaplains 2023

Today we gathered as a school and parish community for our first mass of the new academic year. During this mass, we also commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains.

We joined together as a school and parish community to start our new school year. During this mass we commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains. 

ST Peter and ST Paul Mass 2023

Today we gathered with our school and parish family for the feast of ST Peter and St Paul. Our Pupil Chaplains led a lovely mass to help celebrate this special feast day.

Our Pupil Chaplains led a lovely mass for our school and parish community for the feast day of ST Peter and ST Paul. 

The BIG Corpus Clean Up 2023

Our Laudato Si group led their annual community clean up. Many families attended the event and spent a couple of hours cleaning up around the local area. We were lucky enough to meet local councillors and talk to them about our work.

 Our Laudato Si team planned another successful clean up in the local area. We had 16 families join up for the event and within the two hours were were collecting, we collected 28 bags of rubbish. 

Ascension Mass 2023

We gathered together as a school and parish community to celebrate the feast of the ascension

Our Year 5 children led a beautiful mass for the whole school and parish. We celebrated the feast of the Ascension. 

Crowning of Mary 2023

As a whole school we gathered together to crown Our Lady in a beautiful and reverent service. Children presented Mary with flowers and blossoms and offered their prayer to her.

 Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful and reverent service for the whole school. As a whole school we gathered together to crown Mary and present her with blossoms and flowers. 

Lenten Retreats 2023

Our classes enjoyed taking part in Lenten retreats this week with Mary Farmer. They looked closely at the events of Holy Week and the love that God showed us.

 Our whole school welcomed a returning friend of the school, Mary Farmer. We all participated in Lenten Retreats in the lead up to Holy Week. We explored religion and Bible stories through meditation, prayer, song, dance and art.

Holy Week Service 2023

Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful Holy Week service. Their theme was the A to Z of Holy Week.

 Our Pupil Chaplains led a lovely Holy Week service. Their theme was the A2Z of Holy Week. Our choir had a special performance during our service.

Rainbow Friday 2023

We held our annual Rainbow Friday to help raise money for Caritas and their St Joseph Penny Appeal.

 To support our Lenten charity, we held our annual Rainbow Friday. All the children came to school dressed in rainbow colours. We held a cake sale in each phase too! This Lent, we raised £866.14 for Caritas Appeal, St Joseph's Penny, this included the money raised in our boxes at home.

Lenten Class Masses 2023

During Lent, our classes join together with their prayer partners and lead a Lenten Mass together. Each Lenten Mass has a theme linking to the Gospel and readings of the day.

During Lent, all our classes joined together with their prayer partners to led a Lenten mass for our parish community. Each week, the mass would have a theme and message to help us on our Lenten journey.

Ash Wednesday Mass 2023

We gathered together as a school and parish family for our Ash Wednesday Mass. Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful mass about showing love this Lent.

We gathered together as a whole school for Ash Wednesday Mass. Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful mass all about showing kindness this Lent. 

Advent Mass 2022

We gathered together as a school and parish family for our Advent Mass. Our Year 5 led a beautiful mass about 'The Holy Family' and helped us remember the true meaning of Christmas. Our choir also led us in song.

Our Year 5 pupils in Eagle and Hawk Class led a lovely Advent Mass all about 'The Holy Family'. We gathered together with our parish family and celebrated mass with them.

Christmas Jumper Day 2022

Our Mini Vinnies organised our annual Christmas Jumper Day to help raise money for the charity 'Save the Children'. They raised £185.90

 Our Mini Vinnies led their annual Christmas Jumper Day. They raised money for the 'Save the Children' charity.

Harvest 2022

Our Mini Vinnies and Pupil Chaplains joined forces and led a beautiful Harvest assembly. All food collected was donated to Oldham Foodbank, a local charity.

Our Mini Vinnies and Pupil Chaplains joined forces this Harvest and led the whole school for their Harvest celebration. The children across the school donated items which were given to Oldham Foodbank, a local charity that serve the community.

Our New School Year Mass and Commissioning of Pupil Chaplains 2022

Today we gathered as a school and parish community to share our first school mass of the new academic year. During this mass we officially commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains.

 We joined together as a school and parish community to start our new school year. During this mass we commissioned our new Pupil Chaplains. 

Colour Run 2022

Our Mini Vinnies raised a MASSIVE £3503.49 for the Rainbow Trust. Thank you for all the support and generosity shown.

 Our Mini Vinnies raised £3503.49 for the Rainbow Trust charity. They led an amazing event for the school and local community. It was an amazing day enjoyed by all. 

Stations of the Cross 2022

 Each class across the school took a station of the cross and created a interactive station. We welcomed our families and parish to our service. 

Easter Production 2022

 Our Year 3 & 4 children performed a wonderful Easter production and helped us understand the events that happened during Holy Week.

Rainbow Friday 2022

Today we held our annual Rainbow Friday. We raised £311.80 for St Joseph's Penny. The children looked amazing in their rainbow colours. Each department also held a cake sale to help raise money for the charity.

 To support our Lenten charity, we held our annual Rainbow Friday. All the children came to school dressed in rainbow colours. We held a cake sale in each phase too! This Lent, we raised £919.68 for Caritas Appeal, St Joseph's Penny, this included the money raised in our boxes at home. This year our Pupil Chaplains created their own recycled St Joseph penny bottles for the whole school

Lenten Class Masses 2022

All our class joined together to deliver Lenten Masses this Lent for Fr Lawrence and the parishioners at Corpus Christi Church.

 During Lent, all our classes joined together with their prayer partners to led a Lenten mass for our parish community. Each week, the mass would have a theme and message to help us on our Lenten journey.

Mini Vinnies NHS Hero Day 2022

The Mini Vinnies organised a superhero/hero day to help raise money for the NHS. Thank you to all our families for their support with the event and the generous donations. We raised an AMAZING £200 for the NHS.

 Our Mini Vinnies organised a hero/superhero day to help raise money for the NHS. They raised £200.

Prayer for Peace Day - Ukraine 2022

Today we held our prayer day for peace. We talked about the meaning of peace and what it means to us, especially with current events happening in the world. We thank our families for their support today and the donations they have made.

 As a school we joined together for a day of peace and prayer and showed our love and support to Ukraine. 

Ash Wednesday Service 2022

Our Pupil Chaplains led a reverent Ash Wednesday Service for the Whole School

We gathered together as a whole school for Ash Wednesday Mass. Our Pupil Chaplains led a beautiful mass all about showing love to one another this Lent. 

Our Advent Christmas Appeal 2021- Care Packages

Our Pupil Chaplains and Mini Vinnies joined forces this Advent to help collect donations to put together care packages for those who are supported by the charity Caritas, this includes families of homeless. We were overwhelmed by the generous donations given.

Our Pupil Chaplains and Mini Vinnies joined together this Advent to create care packages for our Caritas charities. 

Plant a Plant 2021

The family of Corpus Christi donated flowers and bulbs today and as a school community, we planted them.

Our families donated a range of flowers, bulbs and plants. As a school we spent the day planting them and talking about the importance of looking after our environment.