Corpus Christi Primary School

Our Curriculum Framework

“School is one of the educational environments in which we develop through learning how to live, how to become grown-up, mature men and women who can travel, who can follow the road of life. It helps [young people] not only by developing their intelligence, but also by an integral formation of all the  aspects of their personality… Jesus is a great teacher, a model of life.” (Pope Francis)


Our framework is in accordance with the Diocese of Salford. We stand for the following and you can use the links to view our latest related news:

Our Catholic Life and Mission

“…I was a stranger and you welcomed me.” Matthew 25:35
At Corpus Christi, we WELCOME new children, families and all visitors. We welcome them into a friendly happy, place where children follow in the footsteps of Jesus by loving, valuing and respecting each other. We are all welcome in God’s name, as God’s children.  We try to include everyone within our community and celebrate who they are and where they come from.  When we think about how we want Corpus Christi to be, we think about the Kingdom of God.  Along with our children, staff, parents and parish – we are a sign of Good News that speaks and listens to God.


“You are my witness.” Isaiah 43:10           
“Christ has no body now but yours.”
 Teresa of Avila
At Corpus Christi, we WITNESS a loving, caring God in the way we live, the way we treat each other and in the way we care about other people who do not have as much as we have. God is central to everything that is done throughout our school and we recognise God is with us in every aspect of our lives.  All the family of our school bear witness to our Mission Statement. We are all witnesses to the values of the gospel such as love, forgiveness, respect, peace, tolerance, dignity and justice.  We nurture, support and challenge the children to live out and to give witness to the Gospel values in their everyday experience of school life and by developing their sense of responsibility to play their part in caring activities for good causes in the wider community.  We are witnesses to our environment and all God’s world by being good stewards of Creation.


“Love one another…”Romans 13:8     
“Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters  of mine, you did for me.” Matthew 25:40

At Corpus Christi, the WELFARE of pupils and adults is paramount. We show this in the way we treat one another fairly and equally and the way we respect each other. In our school we want everyone to  feel safe and know they are valued as unique and made in the image and likeness of God.  We see each individual child as a child of God.  We want to enable every child and adult to ‘have life to the full’; cultivating an attitude of respect for each other among the whole community.  We all have a responsibility at Corpus Christi to follow Jesus and help and support each other in our community.  We try to be fair, we care about each other and always try to help, including those less fortunate than us and those outside of our community.  We are all stewards of our lovely school and help the adults look after and take care of it.

Religious Education


“…The Word was made flesh, He lived among us.” John 1:14
“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”
John 1:1

At Corpus Christi, the WORD of God is placed at the centre of all that we do, following Diocesan guidelines and an enhanced curriculum that allows pupils to celebrate the word of God in an interesting and fun way. Our Religious Education is at the foundation of our school and its principles are maintained across the whole curriculum and life of the school.  We try always to be Witness’ to the Word of God in our daily lives towards each member of the community.  We learn about stories from the Bible that tell us how Jesus acted and how God wants us to try to be.  Children are encouraged to engage in ‘Big Questions’ and higher level thinking generated from our faith, and also about our faith.  We celebrate the Word of God in worship and liturgy in class, during assemblies, at Mass in school and at Mass at Corpus Christi Church.


Collective Worship-
Prayer & Liturgy


“Oh come, let us worship…let us kneel before the Lord, our maker.” Psalms 95:6
“Let everything that has breath praise the Lord.” Psalm 150:6

At Corpus Christi, we WORSHIP God through our class prayers,  school Masses, music, assemblies, class prayer and worship services, through our actions and through the way we live and treat each other.   We hope that this develops, nurtures and deepens our relationship with God and with each other.