Our Mission Statement
Our Mission Statement
A mission statement is an attempt to encapsulate all that an organisation represents.
Our School’s mission statement states:
The Pursuit of Excellence Whilst Loving God and Others
Corpus Christi is a Roman Catholic Primary School, which aims to provide a high quality Catholic education for all children who attend the school. Corpus Christi is committed to working in partnership with the Diocese of Salford, the parents of its children and the local community.
Our Aims
- To learn to put God first in our lives.
- To make prayer, worship and liturgy real educational experiences.
- To foster the attitudes of tolerance and reconciliation.
- To create positive links between home, parish and school.
- To provide a broad and balanced curriculum.
- To create a motivated, structured and learning environment.
- To foster an enquiring attitude and a willingness to question whilst respecting the views of others.
- To nurture positive social attitudes regardless of creed, gender, age, race or ability.
- To develop a respect for the whole of God’s creation.
These aims were written during consultation with staff, governors and parents.
Practical Ways in which we attempt to carry out our Mission Statement
Being firm but kind, fair and just
We will endeavour to create an atmosphere of mutual respect in our relationships with every other member of the school. With a consistently positive attitude we will act with fairness to everybody.
Consistency of attitude
We will endeavour to be consistent in our speech and manner to all members of the school, fostering caring, loving attitudes towards everyone, and setting a good example through our relationships with each other.
Developing a sense of belonging
We will endeavour to create a safe and secure environment (emotionally as well as physically) making school a pleasant place to be in. We will encourage the children to feel an important part of the school community by encouraging each persons involvement in class.
Encouraging Co-operation
We will teach the children that ultimately everyone has a choice, a totally free choice, of what one does, but through free choice we must willingly and graciously accept the consequences whether known or not. We will encourage an atmosphere, however, of forgiveness, and being ever hopeful for each person being always ready to make a new beginning. We will set an example by being ready to admit our own mistakes and being able to say sorry to both adults and children.
Positive Relationships
We will endeavour to support and develop firm positive relationships throughout the school, through the example of our behaviour and interactions with others and through teaching about human and divine nature through the RE Syllabus.
We will attempt to keep ourselves humbly human and approachable, showing empathy and sympathy and listening, caring and valuing what others say and do. We will attempt to be tolerant and to relax, develop a sense of humour trusting in God’s will.
We will make positive statements more increasingly to acknowledge that Christ is present in everyone.
Broad, Balanced Curriculum
We will endeavour to teach the children of the wonder of God’s creation in its every aspect by providing a broad, balanced curriculum to which all children will have access.
We will try to recognise individual needs and abilities of our children and by adopting various teaching methods we hope to help each child reach his/her full potential.