Welcome To Robin
Class Teacher: Mrs Lynch
Teaching Assistants: Miss Chauhan
Our class email address is: robin@corpuschristi.oldham.sch.uk
(Class emails are to be used for sending pictures or information to celebrate out of school activities. Please note they will not receive a reply from the class teacher.)
School X (Twitter) Page: @corpus1275
Reception Long Term Planning 2024-2025Reception Curriculum Overview: 2024-2025
Reception Maths Overview- Autumn Term.pdfReception Maths Overview- Spring Term.pdf
Reception Maths Overview- Summer Term.pdf
A Snapshot of Our Learning in Robin Class
Robin Class- Our Curriculum 2024-2025
We hope you enjoy looking at some highlights of our learning in Robin Class.
Forest School Fun in Robin Class 2024-2025
We love visiting Forest School every fortnight and exploring the great outdoors. Have a look a some of out Forest School fun! For more pictures from our forest school lessons, take a look at our Forest School curriculum page:
Class Reminders
MON | |
TUE | |
WED | |
THURS | -PE & Forest School (Alternative Thursdays)- see blue communication book -Reading books kept in school- books will be changed (please make sure home reading records are signed) |
-Home learning tasks sent home (to be returned by the following Friday) Our home learning tasks are sent home via paper copy and are placed in children's book bag |
Our Class Saint
Our Class Saint is St Joseph.
Feast Day: 19th March
Patron Saint of the Universal Church, families, fathers, expectant mothers, travellers, immigrants, house sellers and buyers, craftsmen, engineers and working people.
Our Class Charity
St Joseph's Penny Appeal- Caritas
St Joseph's Lenten Appeal. To fund the work of the Catholic Children's Rescue Society (now Caritas Diocese of Salford), a Lenten collection began in 1904 known as the St Joseph's Penny. The first collection raised 55,217 pennies or just over £230!
Spring 1 Newsletter.pdfStorytime Online
Our Super Six Books- Spring 1
Each week we kindly ask for a £1 voluntary donation towards our EYFS fund. Money donated is used to enhance provision and support the learning development of the children in Reception.
Thank you for your support.
Phonics and Reading in Reception
At Corpus Christi, we strive to provide an outstanding level of education for the children in our care. In order to achieve this, we are continually monitoring and reviewing our curriculum and teaching. It is through this process that we have come to the decision to use a different programme through which to deliver our phonics and early reading teaching. We have sought advice from Arch English Hub and consulted with specialists to ensure a successful, phased roll-out of the programme. The relevant information and documentation has been updated to align with our new SSP, 'Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised.'
Further guidance and information for parents
Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Information for Parents
Leaflet for Parents- Everybody Read!
Each week, children have a new assignment set on spelling shed to support their phonics teaching. Children has a username and password attached to their blue communication book.
Supporting Reading at Home
Reading at HomeSaying SoundsTips for Talking.pdf
Great ways to support learning at home:
Sharing books and stories – telling stories and talking about pictures in books helps children to learn and understand new words and also develop a love of reading.
Singing songs and rhymes – singing songs and rhymes together teaches children to predict language structures and develops their vocabulary.
Playing with letters and sounds – playing games with the shapes and sounds of letters is a fun way of introducing children to language and early reading.
Setting up a play date – young children learn through play. Playing together helps children develop the skills they need to communicate well and socialise, especially when they start going to nursery and school.
Getting out and about – when you go out for a walk or you’re at the supermarket, help children to spot and recognise the signs and words around them. This encourages talk.
Painting and drawing – making marks and scribbles with a lots of different materials allows children to express themselves, helps their muscles develop and supports early writing.
Using the library – parents and children can borrow books for free and attend storytelling and rhyme groups.
How to promote and support reading at home…
(click the images and they will take you to the web pages)
CBeebies- Bedtime Stories
Storyline Online
Oral Health
During Early Years' Foundation Stage, a child's first experiences with oral health can impact on the rest of their life. That's why it's so important to teach them about their mouth and introduce them to good habits as soon as possible.