Corpus Christi Primary School


Welcome To Wren

Welcome to Wren Class. Our class teacher is Mrs Cooper. Our teaching assistant is Miss Browne.
In our classroom we try to be kind to others and show each other respect. We try hard with our learning and enjoy discovering new things.

Our class email address is:

(Class emails are to be used for sending pictures or information to celebrate out of school activities. Please note they will not receive a reply from the class teacher.)

School Twitter Page: @corpus1275


Our learning in Wren Class

Here is an overview of our learning for Wren term:


Class Reminders



 PE lesson




 Homework due in.


New spellings given and weekly spelling test.

Reading Books changed.

Homework given out.

New spellings given out


 Our Class Saint

Our class Saint: St Bernadette

Feast Day: 16th April 

Patron Saint of ill and poor people. 


Jesus came on earth to be my model. I want to follow him and walk generously in his footsteps. 

St Bernadette

Our class charity is Oxfam. 


Each Friday the children will get a new set of spellings to practice for a test the following Friday. These spellings are taken from the Little Wandle Phonics Scheme as well as the National Curriculum statutory spelling list. Please help your child to practice these at home.

Each spelling list is practised  daily in the class phonics session and children can continue to build on this using the Spelling Shed App below. We encourage children to access this at least five times a week. You can find the login to this, inside your child's reading record. 

 Spelling Shed 

Phonics and Reading

In Wren class, we take part in daily phonics lessons, following the schools phonics scheme.  Within these sessions, children practise reading, writing and saying a range of phonemes and trigraphs. These phonemes are then used to create spelling lists so that the children can continue to practise these sounds. 

In Year 2, some children will have the opportunity to retake the Phonics Screening test. This will be completed in June, you will receive a letter from the class teacher to inform you if your child will be participating in this.

We encourage daily reading within Year 2 for at least 10-15 minutes per day.  The children have the opportunity to change their books weekly using the Accelerated Reader scheme. This gives them chance to read a wide range of genres. Children reading on the Little Wandle scheme will bring a decodable book home weekly. Please ensure your child's reading record is signed each time you read with them. We ask that the reading record is signed at least once per week.

If your child is reading books that you have at home, please feel free to share these with us and record in the reading record.


Year 2 Recommended Reads 




Useful Information

Below are some links that will support additional home learning in Wren class.

English Games 

White Rose 1-minute Maths   

Maths Hit the Button game  

Year 2 Common Exception Words   



Each week, children will receive  English and Maths homework. Both of these pieces will link to a topic we have been doing in class or revision of a previous terms topic. These are given out on a Friday and are to be returned the following Wednesday. Please ensure your child returns their homework book promptly.

In addition to this, children are asked to read daily and practise their weekly spellings via Spelling Shed. Children in Year 2 can also access Times Table Rockstars to regularly practise their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. Please try to access both of these at least two-three times per week.

TimesTable Rockstars